Can you Handle the Heat of the New Harbinger Dragons?
The Final Four Harbinger Dragons are Joining the Battle!
A new wave of Harbinger Tier Dragons are descending this week! These fearsome beasts boast spells never-before-seen in War Dragons, and they’re ready to set the world on fire. Which Dragons will you breed, bond with, and master? If you can handle the heat, then the Harbinger Dragons are ready for you.
This week, the Dragons community team will be flying these four new Dragons live on our weekly streams, along with the previously released Harbinger Dragons. Catch them on Twitch this Wednesday (5/9) at 3pm PT, Facebook Live this Thursday (5/10) at 2pm PT, and YouTube Gaming this Friday (5/11) at 3:30pm PT!
Marsh Scourge

A cursed shadow looms over the Wailing Marshes
Few would call the humid air and acrid muck of the Wailing Marshes home, but those that do thrive in such an inhospitable environment. The creatures of the Wailing Marshes all possess some unique trait to aid their survival in the toxic fumes. Lokan’s strength lies in his unrivaled ferocity. Lokan can better channel his rage in battle, using it to regenerate himself whenever he wounds his prey.
Legendary Dark Hunter
Breeding Pair: Rhyo + Archimera
Cloak - Active, Blue, 1 Rage
<ul> <li> <p>Conceals your dragon so that enemy towers cannot attack. Blue mages cancel this effect. Spell has a 12 second duration and 3 second cooldown, although the cooldown only takes effect when cloak is disturbed by an attack. There is no cooldown if disturbed by blue.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Galvanic Overload - Active, Red, 1 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Upon activation, spell deals between 110% and 200% of your dragon’s Base HP to a tower. If this destroys the tower, a second cast pops up that allows 1 bar of Rage to be regained at a cost of 10% of your dragons Base HP. The second cast is available within 4 seconds of the first.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Healing Mark - Active, Red, 1 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Spell is cast upon a chosen tower. When the tower is destroyed, your dragon will regain 20% of Base HP.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Adaptive Resist - Active, Yellow, 0 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Adaptive Resist allows you to cycle through Lightning, Dark Flak, and Fire Turret resists. The spell also gives a small amount of rage upon use. Spell has a two second cooldown between changing resists.</p> </li> </ul> </li>
Holy Fire Dragon
A radiant dawn soars high above the battlefield.
Far above the rest of Atlas lies the Spinal Peaks. Permanently shrouded by thick clouds, no one is entirely sure what lives up there. Atlas’s many taverns have no short of speculation, however. One popular tale speaks of a Dragon called Opes. It is said that Opes can command the very sun that shines on Atlas, channeling its magnificent energy to destroy its enemies.
Legendary Fire Sorcerer
Southern Cross (Dark) - Active, Red, 3 Rage
<ul> <li> <p>The dragon charges a ball of dark energy. When an island is targeted, a bolt of energy descends from the sky and strikes the targeted point. Columns of dark energy erupt from underneath any building within range of the targeted point, dealing 65% of Base HP as damage. Any buildings destroyed by this spell restores Rage.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Nova - Active, Red, 1 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Can only use 1 time. Deals 18% of the dragon's Base HP to surrounding towers. Dragon gains 35% HP and 3 Rage and is invincible for 3 seconds.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Absorb Magic - Active, White, 2 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Cast to create a magical field that decreases all damage taken by 75% and absorbs mage tower supershots to gain 2 Rage while active. Spell has a 6 second duration and 1 second cooldown. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Fire Flak Resist - Passive</p> <ul> <li> <p>Reduces damage from Fire Flak Towers by 70%.</p> </li> </ul> </li>
Swamp King

None dare challenge the rule of this rotting, fungal horror.
The poisonous lands of the Wailing Marshes weed out all but the strongest of creatures. Some survive due to their cunning. Others survive with an unrivaled constitution. Keth, the Swamp King, rarely fights at all. Instead, he lurks, concealed in the murky waters, waiting for the perfect time to strike. When that vulnerable moment comes, none survive the attack to follow.
Mythic Dark Hunter
Breeding Pair: Lokan + Morthil
Cloak - Active, Blue, 1 Rage
<ul> <li> <p>Conceals your dragon so that enemy towers cannot attack. Blue mages cancel this effect. Spell has a 12 second duration and 3 second cooldown, although the cooldown only takes effect when cloak is disturbed by an attack. There is no cooldown if disturbed by blue.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Leech Essence - Active, Yellow, 0 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Whenever the Dragon kills a tower, it gains an ability based upon which tower it destroyed as well as a half bar Rage.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Soul Devour - Active, Blue, 2 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Places a buff on your dragon. For the duration, whenever a tower is destroyed your dragon will regain 25% of its Base HP and Rage. Spell has a 5 second duration.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Adaptive Resist - Active, Yellow, 0 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Adaptive Resist allows you to cycle through Lightning, Dark Flak, and Ice Turret resists. The spell also gives a small amount of Rage upon use. Spell has a two second cooldown between changing resists.</p> </li> </ul> </li>
Leech Essence Matrix
Steal Essence | Extract Essence | Leech Essence | |
Archer Tower | Fireball | Southern Cross (Light) | Lockdown |
Canon Tower | Stoneskin | Uproot | Lockdown |
Ballista Tower | Wind Wall | Wind Wall | Chaos |
Storm Tower | Invincibility Shield | Northern Lights (Light) | Consume (CD 2.5s) |
Trebuchet Tower | Freeze | Earthquake | Freeze |
Lightning Tower | Chain Lightning | Chain Lightning | Chain Lightning |
Red Mage Tower | Reverse Projectiles | Reverse Projectiles | Death Gaze |
Blue Mage Tower | Exploding Shield | Shield Blast | Regenerate |
Ice Turret | Havoc | Chaos | Entrap |
Fire Turret | Spell Flux | Spell Flux | Spell Flux |
Dark Flak Tower | Lockdown | Vampiric Touch | Death Gaze |
Fire Flak Tower | Chaos | Chaos | Chaos |
Ice Flak Tower | Freeze | Freeze | Freeze |
Electro Flak Tower | Chain Lightning | Chain Lightning | Spell Flux |
Earth Flak Tower | Invincibility Shield | Northern Lights (Light) | Consume (CD 2.5s) |
Lumber | Cure Poison | Cure Poison | Cure Poison |
Food | Rejuvenate | Rejuvenate | Rejuvenate |
Desert Regent
Undisputed godking from a land of endless, shimmering dunes.
Though Dragons have always been respected for their power, the residents of the Burning Sands are the only people to actually worship them. Offerings are made on the Dragons’ behest, and they protect their devotees in turn. Rajin are the highest regarded Dragon in the Burning Sands. With their ability to absorb incoming magical attacks and turn them into fuel for their own spells, Rajin have maintained their worshippers’ favor as Godking.
Mythic Wind Sorcerer
Spell Flux - Active, White, 2 Rage
<ul> <li> <p>Destroys a tower (mage towers prioritized first) then deals 5% of Base HP in damage to surrounding towers.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Absorb Magic - Active, White, 2 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Cast to create a magical field that decreases all damage taken by 75% and absorbs mage tower supershots to gain 2 Rage while active. Spell has a 6 second duration and 1 second cooldown.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Seeker Shots - Active, Red, 1 Rage</p> <ul> <li> <p>Shoots 10 homing shots at all targets in the area. Each projectile chooses one of the available towers at same chance and deals 13% of Dragon’s Base HP in damage. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>Fire Flak Resist - Passive</p> <ul> <li> <p>Reduces damage from Fire Flak Towers by 70%.</p> </li> </ul> </li>
Are you ready to find great allies in the Harbinger Tier Dragons? Fly over to the official War Dragons Forums and discuss with the War Dragons community!