War Dragons Breeding Guides
Breeding all of the dragons in War Dragons can seem like a daunting task, especially with what seems like an endless number of combinations. But have no fear, a few fine folks in the War Dragons community were kind enough to take the time to map it out! Below are a few excellent resources:
- War Dragons Strategy - "War Dragons - Breeding Guide"
<ul> <li><strong><em></em></strong>This guide covers the methodology covered in <em>"War Dragons Tactical Breeding Guide"</em>, but also provides a few additional details. </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="http://www.amoebastudios.com/dragon/"><strong>Amoeba Studios - <em>"Dragon Breeding App"</em></strong></a> <ul> <li><strong><em></em></strong>This site presents a fun, interactive way to discover the parents of specific dragons!</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="http://wardragons.net/breeding/war-dragon-breeding-guide/"><strong>WarDragons.net - <em>"War Dragons Breeding Guide"</em></strong></a> <ul> <li><strong><em></em></strong>This site also provides a great guide on how to breed all of the dragons in the game.</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="http://wardragons.pocketgems.com/forum/developing-your-dragons-breeding-training-and-spells/20010-ultimate-52-step-tactical-breeding-guide-draco-through-khrysos"><strong>Salamanca from the War Dragons forums - <em>"Ultimate 52 Step Tactical Breeding Guide - Draco through Khrysos"</em></strong></a> <ul> <li><strong><em></em></strong>Salamanca from the forums created a monster post that provides an alternative method to obtaining all of the dragons in War Dragons. </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="http://wardragons-strategy.com/2016/05/04/platinum-dragons-breeding-guide/" target="_blank"><strong>War Dragons Strategy - <em>"Platinum Dragons Breeding Guide"</em></strong></a> <ul> <li>The only place to go after Gold is up! Here's how to obtain the dragons in the Platinum tier.</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="http://wardragons.info/breedgarnets.html" target="_blank"><strong>WarDragons.info - <em>"SupermanRR's Guide to Garnet</em><em>"</em></strong></a> <ul> <li>In the Garnet tier? Take your breeding to the next level with SupermanRR's help!</li> </ul> </li>
Big thanks to everyone that took the time to help create these breeding guides!