New World Map: Battle for the High Seas!
A Whole New World...
Next week we’ll be unveiling World Map: Battle for the High Seas!!!
To access the new map,
teams must accrue World Points by winning events. The teams with the highest scores will gain early access to the new world map. Additionally, the better a team’s rank, the better their placement will be when the new map is unlocked.
To learn more about the new world map, we spoke with David Underhill, our director of backend engineering. Check it out below.
Can you tell us a little about the new world map and how it will tie into this week's KotH event?
King of the Hill can only have one winner. Any team competing for that honor has to have some friends... and probably even more enemies. These hostilities will bubble over into a much bigger world where coordination, positioning and diplomacy will feed on the last week's bloody conflict and challenge teams to really come together and fight with one soul.
Is there anything new or different about this week's map?
The Battle for the High Seas event will shift the scene of combat from the ramparts out into the great blue ocean. When you gaze out from the edge of your base you might not see much, but just over the horizon are vast riches -- and other teams who want them just as much as yours. Players will have never before experienced freedom to explore, forge alliances, stake out their own territory ... and fight to police their boundaries and enforce their will!
What kind of technology is behind it?
The high seas are a dynamic place. It's a roomy virtual world where players are king and the action continuously unfolds in real-time. You can watch your fleets transit dangerous waters in search of gold, or set out to blockade and plunder unsuspecting enemy fleets as they try to bring valuable cargo home. Many thousands of players will call one (big) ocean home, and how they co-exist (or not!) is entirely in players' hands. New technology allows us to bring this massively shared world to life, and will host some of the most epic and fluid battles to date.
Anything else to add?
This new event is being run in addition to our regularly scheduled monthly lineup. This gives players a chance to earn more prizes than ever by participating in this bonus event. This first glimpse at the High Seas will provide a taste of epic battles to come, and provide us with an opportunity to collect valuable first-hand feedback from players.
Google Cloud Video
A few months ago, the good folks at Google shot a video at our office about how we use their services, specifically Google Cloud, to make War Dragons so awesome.
If you were ever curious what our office looks like, how the backend of War Dragons works or what the guy Gustav was based off of sounds like, watch this video!
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YCpbRCOevIc" width="560"></iframe>
Pre-register for Android
Speaking of Google…
Each passing day brings us that much closer to War Dragons officially launching on Android! We’re in the home stretch now and War Dragons will be available on Android VERY soon.
Want to be sure you’re a part of the action when it launches? Pre-register below...
Pre-Register Here!
War Dragons Weekly
3 PM - 4 PM Pacific
11 PM - 12 AM GMT
Kinnara proved victorious in the most recent DRAGONFIGHT! Although she is off riding tandem bikes in the warm spring sunshine, we promise she will be back for another round soon!
In the meantime, head over to our Facebook and Twitter this Saturday for a giveaway and swing by the Dragon Tavern on Monday for an art contest with an exciting twist.
Community Spotlight
This week’s community spotlight comes to us by way of the forums. Cinnymon shared some concept ideas for new avatars. Looks pretty slick!
If you’ve got something you want us to share, give us a roar on Twitter or Facebook or the forums!