Spell Scaling Announced for 2019
Dragon Lords,
As War Dragons continues to grow, we’ve taken some time to reflect on the balance between Dragons, their spells, and enemy bases. Coming in 2019 will be a series of updates to spells and how they scale proportionally to a Dragon’s current power. Certain spells work off of the Dragon’s Base HP, not factoring in any runes, research, or other modifiers. This makes battles especially difficult for Sorcerer and Warrior Dragons. As towers get progressively more powerful and Dragon Riders make more of a permanent addition to many bases and Dragons, it’s time for spells to adapt to the new power balance! We've spent a large amount of effort to change parts of the spell damage formula so that spells are based on Modified HP instead of Base HP of Dragons, which will help even out the overall balance of spells in the game.
Please note: There has been and will continue to be extensive testing performed on these changes from both the Dragons Team and members of the Gameplay Faction. With the proper modifiers (research, runes, and battle boosts), upcoming spell changes will reflect a fair and balanced gameplay intended to even the playing field!
See below for examples of Spell Scaling and how it will affect the power balance of the game. All images below are against a base with around 110% total Tower HP (modified), consisting of:
Dragon Rider Modifier: Tower HP +55%
Research Modifier: Tower HP +25%
Consumable Boost: Tower HP +30%
Warrior Example: Jotun - Storm Shield
Storm Shield’s Current Damage = 18% of Dragon’s Base HP

After Spell Scaling: Storm Shield’s Damage = 14% of Dragon’s Modified Max HP
Dragon HP modifier around 110% total Dragon HP, made up of:
Dragon Rider Modifier: +45% Dragon HP
Research Modifier: +35% Dragon HP
Consumable Boost: +30% Dragon HP
Sorcerer Example: Jormungandr - Flash Freeze
Flash Freeze’s Current Damage = 20% of Dragon’s Base HP

After Spell Scaling: Flash Freeze’s Damage = 16% of Dragon’s Modified Max HP
Dragon HP modifier around 85% total Dragon HP, made up of:
Dragon Rider Modifier: +30% Dragon HP
Research Modifier: +25% Dragon HP
Consumable Boost: +30% Dragon HP

Hunter Example: Itzani - Desiccating Sand
Desiccating Sand’s Current Damage = Dragon’s Modified Attack + (13% of Dragon’s Base HP)

After Spell Scaling: Desiccating Sand’s Damage = Dragon’s Modified Attack + (10% of Dragon’s Modified Max HP)
Dragon HP modifier around 115% total Dragon HP, made up of:
Dragon Rider Modifier: +60% Dragon HP
Research Modifier: +25% Dragon HP
Consumable Boost: +30% Dragon HP

Spell Scaling FAQ
Will Warriors and Sorcerers be better than Hunters after Spell Scaling takes effect?
Spell Scaling will help increase the viability of Warriors and Sorcerers. Hunters will receive the same amount of changes since the spell scaling formula is consistent for all spells, regardless of Dragon class. No damage will be decreasing for our beloved Hunters.
How will this affect the defense of my base and towers that I’ve worked to build up?
In its current state, the balance is slightly skewed towards base defense. After the spell scaling update occurs, base defense and dragon offense should be more equal in power.
Does this mean that Winterjól spells after this change will be more powerful than previous season spells?
Spell scaling will impact all spells in-game evenly since it is a formula change. Once the feature is released, the Winterjól spells will also be affected.
How are spells being scaled properly if most are decreasing by 30%?
Since all consumables (including Dragon Attack and HP boosts) will now apply to spell effectiveness, all spells will immediately be 30% stronger in battle.
We’re announcing Spell Scaling before its release in an effort to gather community feedback on the feature and deliver the best possible update to players as possible. What do you think of the upcoming changes? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the War Dragons Forums, or message us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to get in touch.
Provide your Feedback on the Forums
Spell Scaling Modifications Table
Updated 1/7/2019
Please Note: Not all spells are represented in this table (like passives or more defensive spells), as only the spells listed below will be modified when Spell Scaling takes effect.
The following list represents those spells that will be modified at the standard rate of -30%:
- Apophet's Shadow
- Autumn's Reap
- Battle Cry
- Belly Flop
- Berserk
- Blazing Shield
- Chain Lightning
- Chaos
- Consume
- Consume (Blood Essence)
- Cure Poison
- Death Knell
- Desiccating Sand
- Dissipate
- Dodo Guardian
- Earth Familiar
- Earthquake
- Echoing Blast
- Ectoplasmic Breath
- Elemental Barrier
- Elemental Bubble
- Energize
- Ethereal Chains
- Everlasting Hunt
- Explosive Aegis
- Explosive Shield
- Ferocious Shield
- Fire Shield
- Fireball
- Freeze
- Frozen Tomb
- Fury of the Wastes
- Galvanic Overload
- Ghostfire Blast
- Ghostfire Wreath
- Havoc
- Healing Mark
- Heat Shield
- Heated Breath
- Heatstroke
- Ice Shock
- Inferno
- Intimidating Roar
- Lethal Barrier
- Light Speed
- Lightning Familiar
- Lightning Storm
- Malefic Breath
- Mystic Barrage
- Nocturnal Fissure
- Northern Lights - Light
- Nova
- Noxious Vines
- Rainbow Shot
- Rampage
- Reanimate
- Regenerate (Blue)
- Rejuvenate
- Resurrection
- Riptide
- Rising Pheonix
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice (White)
- Scarlet Fever
- Seeker Shots
- Seething Spark
- Seismic Screech
- Self Destruct
- Shadow Dispersal
- Shadow Strike
- Shattershard
- Shield Blast
- Soul Barrage
- Southern Cross - Dark
- Southern Cross - Light
- Spell Flux
- Spring's Renewal
- Static Blast
- Static Shield
- Storm Shield
- Summer's Purification
- Summon Hellspawn
- Summon Warrior
- Summon Warrior (White)
- Super Heated Breath
- Super Rejuvenate
- Super Rejuvenate (White)
- Syphon Strike
- Talon Frenzy
- Tectonic Tomb
- Thunderbolt
- Thunderstorm
- Tidal Surge
- Umbral Spike
- Umbral Spike (White)
- Undying Will
- Uproot
- War Cry (White)
- Winter's Bite
The following table represents those spells that will be modified outside of the standard -30% change:
Spell | Parameter | Original Percentage (%) | Modified Percentage (%) |
Full Moon | Damage to Self | 25 | 19.2 |
Full Moon | Bonus Attack | 50 | 80 |
Radiance | Damage | 8 | 6 |
Radiance | Attack | 15 | 80 |
Radiance | Heal | 21 | 17 |
Nightfall | Attack | 50 | 150 |
Devour Hope | Heal | 12 | 15 |
Shield Assault | Bonus Attack | 30 | 70 |
Flash Freeze | Damage | 20 | 10 |
Derisive Shriek | Damage | 16 | 10 |
Crippling Chill | Damage | 14 | 9.5 |